How can I find out about the status of my order?
Order History Your order history can be found by logging into and going to My Account > Orders. The Order History page allows you to:
Where can I find MARC records for orders that have shipped?
Download MARC Records MARC records are included with our free standard processing and are sent with each shipment in an order. Depending on your designated preference on the Cataloging and Processing form (see Specifications), there are two ways to obtain your MARC records: Email – Records will be delivered as an attachment to the shipment notification. Download –…
How do I report a damaged item from a recent shipment or request a MackinBound replacement?
Our MackinBound binding is guaranteed for as long as the purchased ISBN is in print. Titles that are damaged in shipment or arrive defective will of course be replaced. In order for Mackin to replace a damaged or defective book, we will need the following pieces of information: title of the book, barcode number (if…
What is Mackin’s shipping schedule?
Free Shipping There is no charge to ship anywhere in the United States. Charges for shipping outside of the 50 states are based on the method and carrier required for shipment. International Shipping Mackin does ship international orders. Charges for shipping outside of the 50 states are based on the method and carrier required for…