Author: admin

Class Set Add/Drop Period

An Add/Drop period was built into the Class Set feature to account for students who transfer classes. This period begins on the designated class set start date and lasts 14 days. Students who transfer in can redeem the class set code until the end of the period. Students who transfer out can be removed from…

About Class Sets

With the Class Sets feature, Administrators and Group Managers can purchase and allocate copies of short-term license eBooks for use within the classroom. This allows educators to effectively utilize digital resources needed for projects, novel sets, and reading groups. Only one student can access a copy of the Class Set eBook for the license term, and the…

Allocate Class Set Copies

MackinVIA Administrators and Group Managers can purchase and allocate copies of short-term license eBooks for use within the classroom. To allocate copies of a Class Set resource, first log into your MackinVIA Administrator account ( with your email address and password. Go to Classroom > Class Sets (make sure to select the correct VIA if you have administrator rights…

Edit or Delete Class Set

Once a class set is created, it will fall into one of three statuses: Scheduled, Active, or Inactive. Scheduled class sets have not yet reached the start date. Administrators and Groups Managers can adjust the start date and number of copies as needed. Members can also be removed. Active class sets are in between the start and end…

Monitor Class Set Members

View Members After a class set is created, you can monitor students as they join it. First, log into your MackinVIA Administrator account ( with your email address and password. Go to Classroom > Class Sets (make sure to select the correct VIA if you have administrator rights to more than one account). Locate the class set and…

Colleague TitleMatch

Colleague TitleMatch helps schools with multiple librarians avoid ordering duplicates. When enabled, your colleagues can view matches to titles on your list while searching for titles or reviewing their lists. Enable a List Create a Preferred List of Colleagues View Title Matches Filter a List by Matches Enable a List Enable a list by entering…

Move or Copy Titles

There are three ways to move and copy titles depending on your specific needs. Single Items If you would like to move or copy a single item to another list, click on the title to open its full record. Choose Options > Move/Copy Title. A pop-up window will appear. Choose whether you want to move or copy…

ILS Integration Partnerships

The following table illustrates the status of our ILS partnerships/features: *SirsiDynix integration available through eResource Central (eRC).  The optional features available through these partnerships are detailed below: MARC Record Import: MARC records will be automatically uploaded into participating systems, eliminating the need for librarians to load the records.  Circulation and Availability: The library catalog will…

Manage Administrative Permissions

As a Full Administrator, you can add, remove, and modify the administrative Permissions of your fellow librarians, library aids, teachers, and other staff in MackinVIA. MackinVIA has three levels of staff Permissions: A Full Administrator has complete access to manage MackinVIA, including the content, circulation, settings, users, and more. A Group Manager can only create and manage Groups, Assignments, and Class Sets. No…

Group Tags

MackinVIA Administrators and Group Managers can make groups more discoverable to users by adding descriptive tags. Tags are keywords or phrases that help describe the resources contained within the group. For users, clicking on a tag will filter down the list of groups to include only those associated with that particular tag. Add Tags To add tags to…